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Parent/Carer Information
Address line 1*
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4 (Town)*
Address line 5 (County)
Email Address (Main)*
Main Telephone No.*
Mobile Telephone No.
How would you like to be contacted?*
Do you have a medical condition that we may need to know about?*
Child/Young Person Information
Please only complete details for the child or children that you are seeking help for.
Child's Ethnicity*
Does your child have any additional disabilities?
Additional Disabilities
Please give a brief summary of your child's current difficulties and/or reason for registering with our charity*
Additional Child/Young Person
Child's Surname
Child's Ethnicity
Please give a brief summary of your child's current difficulties and/or reason for registering with our charity
Additional Child/Young Person 2
For Monitoring Purposes Only
Consent Statement
Please select whether you give consent for Parenting Special Children to store sensitive personal information about you and your children.*