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First name*
Consent Given: Has the parent/carer given their consent for this referral?
Please note that we will seek formal consent from the parent/carer at our initial visit.*
Role in the family (please select “Main parent/carer living in the home” only for this contact)*
Borough of residence*
Address line 1*
Address line 2
Main Telephone No.*
Mobile Telephone No.
Email Address (Main)
Date of Birth*
UK Immigration Status
Main Disability: Please state the Main Disability or health conditions if applicable.
People in Household
Primary Language Spoken*
Other Languages Spoken
Interpreter: Does this family need an interpreter? If yes, please state which language.(Please note that if an interpreter is needed, it may take a little longer to follow up)
‘Please provide details of other agencies working with the family (e.g. GP, HV, Nurse, Midwife). Please provide name, email address and phone. Please also state if you made any referrals to other services, so that support can be coordinated.”
Family current situation:
1. Please provide details about the whole family’s current circumstances. What support do you think the family needs from Home-Start?
2. Please provide details of any developmental concerns, special educational needs (SEN), disabilities, or other factors affecting the child/children’s development below:*
Family Wider Context: Please explain what the bigger picture looks like for this family? Include any strengths (e.g. support network, resilience, stability) and struggles or difficult circumstances (e.g. impact of physical/ mental health needs, disability/ SEN, substance misuse, domestic abuse, finance, housing, citizenship)*
Phone contact: Given the complex circumstances some families experience, we need to know whether it is safe and appropriate to text and/or leave a voice message to make an initial contact with the family. Please select:*
Risk Assessment: Please tell us whether there are any risk issues we need to be aware of when home-visiting this family. Including.: - Domestic/child abuse/neglect- Challenging or risky behaviours relating to mental health / SEN / substance misuse- Health and safety issues relating to the property or moving and handling- Concerns around contacting the family by phone *
First name
Role in the family
Main Disability: please state the Main Disability or health conditions.
Date of Birth
Child EDD (Expected Date of Delivery for unborn child)
School/Early Years provider: Please provide the name of the School/Early Years provider for this child
Agency / Employer*
Phone Number*
DISCLAIMERBy submitting this form, you are confirming that:- the information provided is correct to the best of your knowledge- the referral has been discussed with the family, who have agreed to a referral being made to Home-Start Southwark. - you as the referred and the family, agree for your details to be stored in our database in accordance with data protection legislation (see our Privacy Notice).
You understand that we can only accept referrals which have been discussed with and agreed by the family. As such we will use the information provided in this referral to make an initial contact with the referred family and ask them to review and sign our privacy notice prior to any support being provided.
You can find our Privacy Notice here for reference.