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Please Choose a Referral Type
Referrer Details
First Name*
Organisation And Address
Young Person Details
Ethnic Group
Date of Birth*
Address line 1*
Address line 2
Address Line 3
Email address*
I wish to be contacted by text message
I wish to be contacted by email
I wish to be contacted by post
I wish to be contacted by phone
Any other contact instructions?
Do you consider yourself to be neurodivergent? (ADHD, ASD, dyslexia etc).(This information will help us adjust our support to meet your needs, and also help us to develop our services).
Do you consider yourself to have any of the following?
Disabilities / Health Conditions we should be aware of: If you will need to take medication during a session, please specify here
What is your first language?*
Do we need to contact you through an interpreter?*
Accommodation Type*
Do you consider yourself to be a carer/young carer?
Where did you hear about us?
Other (please state)
I am over 18 and would like you to contact my next of kin in an emergency
If you have ticked this box, please make sure you have also completed the details of your parent, carer or guardian below.
Parent, Carer or Guardian
First Name
Relationship to young person
Address (if different to young person)
Phone Number
Email Address
Education/GP Information
School/College/University name
GP Surgery name*
Supporting The Young Person
Are any other agencies supporting this young person? Please give details
Has this young person recently been referred to any other services, or are they on the waiting list for other services?
How can we help you? Please view our service thresholds and different support offers here to see the support we can offer.
Counselling(Domestic Abuse)
Structured health and wellbeing support
Wellbeing wednesday/brief intervention
Wellbeing Café/group work
Social prescribing
Not sure
If other please specify
What issues can we support you with?
Anger and frustration
Appearance / body image
Depression / Low mood
Domestic abuse
Exams stress
Feeling unsafe
Finding things to enjoy
Gender identity and/or sexual identity
Housing / having somewhere to live
Loss / bereavement
Money / finances
Physical health
Problems at home
Problems at school
Relationship with food / eating disorder
Sex / relationships
Sexual health
Traumatic life event
Work / training / education course
Brief description of current presenting problem (including how long it's been going on for) and the impact on the life of the young person (please provide as much information as possible, as we will use this information to assess how to we can best support you) *
The information you provide on this form will be stored confidentially. Sometimes, a member of staff may want to share some of your details with another professional, for the purpose of ensuring you receive the appropriate support; this includes staff within Door43. Examples of other agencies include: Community Youth Teams, Children & Young People and Families (SCC), Housing, Police, Health Services (Including CAMHS), School and other voluntary and community agencies (including other teams within Sheffield Futures). If there are any agencies you do not wish information to be shared with, please specify here:
We will always aim to ask you before we share any information with other professionals. However, there may be some situations where this is not possible; for instance, if we are concerned for your immediate safety. For more information on our privacy policy, please ask a member of staff. Please confirm you consent to the above:*
If you are under 16 then we need consent from your parent/carer to work with you. I have had the support process explained to me and I agree to this request. I understand that this may involve an assessment of my child’s needs in order that appropriate support is planned. Please confirm parent/carer consent (if applicable)*
Please tick this box to confirm you have submitted at least one valid contact method for the Young Person. Please note without a contact method we can't get in touch to offer any support. This question is mandatory*
Are you happy for us to contact you occasionally by SMS and email about new services, upcoming events and updates from Sheffield Futures that we think you'd be interested in? *