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Parent/Carer Details
First Name*
Address 2*
Contact Number*
Email address*
Age Group
Is English your primary language ?
Do you require any assistance with literacy?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Do you have a long term health condition?
Do you have a learning disability?
Do you have any additional needs that we ned to be aware of (e.g Anger Management / Child Protection issues)?
Programme of Support Required:
Please select the Local Authority:*
Triple P Discussion Group - Building Teenagers’ Survival Skills (Parents with Children aged 12+)
Triple P Discussion Group - Coping with Teenagers’ Emotions (Parents with Children aged 12+)
Triple P Discussion Group - Getting Teenagers to Cooperate (Parents with Children aged 12+)
Triple P Discussion Group - Reducing Family Conflict (Parents with Children aged 12+)
Triple P Discussion Group - Hassle Free Shopping with Children (Parents with Children aged 2-11)
Triple P Discussion Group - Developing Good Bedtime Routines (Parents with Children aged 2-11)
Triple P Discussion Group - Managing Fighting & Aggression (Parents with Children aged 2-11)
Triple P Discussion Group - Dealing with Disobedience (Parents with Children aged 2-11)
Triple P for Baby
Family Transitions
Hillingdon Parent Champions (1-2-1 peer support for parents of children aged 10 – 18 years)
Triple P Stepping Stones (Parent with Children with Additional Needs, aged 2-11) – 8 weeks
Triple P Teen (Parents with Children aged 12+) – 6 weeks
Triple P Group (Parents with Children aged 2-11) – 6 weeks
Triple P Teen Seminar (Parents with Children aged 12+)
Triple P Group Seminar (Parents with Children aged 2-11)
How did you hear about Brilliant Parents ?*
Family Information
Number of Children Aged 12 and under living in the household ?
Number of children Aged 13 to 18 living in the household ?
Are there any current or historic safeguarding concerns regarding your family, eg? Domestic Abuse, Suicide , Substance Abuse, Gang involvement Exclusion
Are the family currently known to be involved with your Local Authority's Children services?
Are any of these children on the Child Protection or Child In Need registers?
Are any of the children Looked After Children?
Do any of the children have educational or learning needs (e.g. a statement of needs or behavioural support plan)?
Do any of the children have emotional or behavioural issues?
What parent support have you previously recieved?
Details of Child of Concern
Child First Name
Child Surname
Child Date of Birth
Child Age Range
Main concering behaviour of child
Marital status
Please select which of the following applies to you:
What is the relationship to the child concerned
Do you have any concerns regarding your relationship with a partner that might impact the child/ children?
Please tell us anything that may help us understand the parenting and family challenges you are currently facing ?
Your Parenting Goals
What are you hoping to achieve from this Brilliant Parents Programme ?
On a scale of 0-10, How committed to implementing change are you?
Would you like to join the Brilliant Parents Facebook support group?
If you have any queries, please contact Annmarie Fevrier on 020 3490 7007 or email her at enquries@brilliantparents.org