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Please ensure the expectant parent is aware that you are making this referral. To reduce re-traumatization please tick unknown if you do not already know the answer to any question.
If you wish to discuss the referral prior to submitting, please contact 0141 471 9799 or email info@ammabirthcompanions.org
Referrer information
Referrer email address*
Agency name/ original referral source ie: friend/self
First Name*
Last Name*
Phone Number*
What is your relationship/what kind of support are you providing to the birthing parent?*
Date of referral*
Parent details
First Name(s)*
Known as
Date of Birth*
House number/flat position*
Telephone Number*
Alternative Telephone Number
Expected delivery date*
Anticipated hospital or birth location
Is this a planned c-section? If so, please explain why?*
Country of Origin*
Immigration status*
Other Immigration Status (Please Specify)*
Languages Spoken*
Additional or other languages spoken
Level of English*
Can they read English or their own language?*
Are they booked in for an induction?*
Details of induction if applicable
Are any other support agencies involved? If so, please specify.
Are they experiencing any pregnancy complications or health issues relevant to their support needs? Please provide information if applicable.
Relationship Status*
Are they:
Facing Birth without Family/friends to support?*
New to Glasgow?*
Anxious/Scared/Distressed about pregnancy and/or birth?*
Experiencing barriers to accessing Maternity Services?*
Experiencing barriers to understanding information?*
*APPROACH SENSITIVELY* Please only complete if you already know the answer, otherwise tick unknown: Survivor of trafficking*
*APPROACH SENSITIVELY* Please only complete if you already know the answer, otherwise tick unknown: Number of children residing with parent *
*APPROACH SENSITIVELY* Please only complete if you already know the answer, otherwise tick unknown: Number of children NOT residing with parent*
Please tell us more about why they need Ammas support*
Are you aware of any risks to visiting their home? Please specify.*
Is there any other relevant information you would like to share?*
More Information
If you would like to discuss this referral, please call 0141 471 9799 or email info@ammabirthcompanions.org
Information that you pass on to us will be treated in the strictest confidence. Anything disclosed to us will not be passed on to anyone outside Amma Birth Companions without the explicit consent of the person you are referring, unless there are circumstances where we believe that a person may be at risk. If that is the case, we may need to speak to the relevant professionals. We will share information within our team on a need-to-know basis.